
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fruit Flies Be Gone!

Working in a ER can be daunting and emotional at its best. And sometimes we do silly crazy things to change our thoughts of a really hard day or because we have found something new on Pinterest to try. Today was such a day.

My friend Melanie, found an idea on Pinterest on how to get rid of Fruit Flies. Today just happened to be the day that we had some fruit flies. Yes, we have fruit flies. Certainly, not all the time but mostly when are given baskets of fruit from patients, the community or when we bring our own for snacks and forget to eat them or simply don't have time to eat them. I'm sure we aren't the only ones that have these pesky little critters.

Below is all you need to get rid of your fruit flies too. Have fun!

Items needed:
1 clear glass/cup/jar
1 coffee filter or a piece of white paper large enough to make a cone
Tape ( We used surgical tape because that's all we had, but any tape will work.)
A piece or two of fruit (Melanie shared two pieces from her little "cuties".)
Hungry fruit flies

Fold the coffee filter so it makes a cone. At the tip of the cone make a tiny hole big enough for even fat fruit flies (say those words 3 times real fast, hilarious!) to enter. Next place the cone in the cup and fold the edges over the lip of the cup and secure with tape, so those  little critters can not escape.

Next sit back and wait for the little darlings to enter the cup!

I am here to tell you it works! You should have seen us dancing around at the sight of not one but two fruit flies in our cup! I sure hope our patients didn't notice us!

Fruit Flies Be Gone!


  1. Wow this is so great. With 3 kids (all of them boys) fruit can end up anywhere and everywhere! And you can not smack or smash those little flies! They are so fast and little! Thanks so much for your little experiment!

  2. You are very welcome! Hope you have as much fun trying it as we did!

  3. LOVE IT!!!!! you are so creative & informative!!!


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